Shoplifting Charges
Rockland County Criminal Defense Lawyers
Anyone accused of taking, obtaining, or withholding a merchant’s property while pretending to act as a customer can be charged with shoplifting and you could be imprisoned and heavily fined depending on the value of goods obtained if convicted. You cannot afford to face such charges without skilled representation from a Bronx criminal defense attorney so speak with our firm today.
You need a criminal defense team behind you with the experience and background to handle your defense. The Law Office of David D. Narain has more than a decade of exclusively criminal defense experience as well as former work as an assistant district attorney, meaning we understand how the prosecution will try to obtain a conviction and work to undermine them.
Common Forms of Shoplifting
Shoplifting is classified as a misdemeanor if the value of goods stolen is $1,000 or less, also known as a “petit larceny” charge. Penalties for a petit larceny conviction can include up to one year in prison and up to $1,000 in fines.
Common patters involved in shoplifting cases can include:
- Tag switching
- Fake returns
- Booster bags
- Sensor tag removal
- Hidden items in personal bag
- Unpaid merchandise worn while exiting
- Possession of burglar’s tools
- Floor switching
- Failure to place items on a counter
Theft of goods valued at more than $1,000 is a felony; you can be imprisoned for up to four years and fined up to $5,000 or double the gain made from the crime for goods worth between $1,000 and $3,000. Theft of more valuable goods results in even heavier penalties.
Elite Bronx Criminal Defense
Our Bronx criminal defense lawyers can fight your charges by contending that the entire ordeal was based on some misunderstanding. Even if it is not possible to get your charges dropped, we can push for you to enter a diversion program. This way, you can pay restitution and perform community service instead of serving jail time.
The Law Office of David D. Narain has all the tools to create a unique and effective defense for your shoplifting charge. When are accused of criminal activity, turn to our firm for relief!
Speak with our firm today to set up your no-cost consultation—(845) 796-9762!

Former Assistant District Attorney
I have had some of the best mentors in the legal field that have provided me with invaluable skills.
Over a Decade of ExperienceI am a well-rounded, dedicated, and aggressive attorney who is not afraid to go to trial for you.
Building a Successful Case
What is ‘Reasonable Doubt’, and how can it be beneficial to the outcome of your case?
Start Your Defense Today
I offer free consultations to clients who are ready to see if I am the right attorney for them.